weekly online golf column

July 22, 2003
The Chattanooga golf community was saddened on April 12 of this
year when Ira Templeton passed away at the age of 79.
Since that date, the folks at the Tennessee Section PGA and
other golf notables in Chattanooga have been seeking a way to
memorialize Templeton, a terrific golfer who owned the Creeks Bend
Golf Club.
In a meeting not long ago involving Danny Tribble, Billy
Buchanan and Templeton's son, Buddy Templeton, an idea emerged.
The meeting was with Gary Davis of the Chattanooga Cola-Cola
Bottling Company in conjunction with the annual Coca-Cola Open
that is held at Creeks Bend.
"It was really ironic because we had all been trying to come up
with a way to remember Ira,'' said Tribble, the tournament's
director. "Then Gary Davis actually mentioned naming the
tournament after Ira as an idea. We jumped on it because we knew
the people at the Tennessee Section PGA wanted to do something for
The idea became a reality on Monday when the tournament was
re-named the Ira Templeton Chattanooga Open. It will still be
sponsored by the Chattanooga Cola-Cola Bottling Company.
"Coca-Cola has been great to the Chattanooga golf community
through the years,'' Tribble said. "We are pleased that they have
agreed to change the name and that they will continue to support
the tournament.''
Said Buddy Templeton, "There was never a question about keeping
the tournament, but we were a little concerned with financing. But
Coca-Cola will continue their support, we've changed the name and
we're pleased with that.
"Coke has supported this tournament for 20-something years and
we appreciate them. They are good people. Gary Davis is such a
nice individual.''
The tournament, a Tennessee Section PGA event, has been held in
Chattanooga since 1976. It features professionals and amateurs
from around the state, and was won this year by Patrick Williams.
"It was held the first year as a one-day event at Brainerd,''
Tribble said. "When we first started, it was hard to get sites for
tournaments. In 1977, Ira accepted it at Creeks Bend and he became an
integral part of the annual event. We wanted to memorialize him
for that contribution.''
The Ira Templeton Chattanooga Open will be a fabulous way to
remember an old friend. It is something he richly deserves.
"It is a great deal,'' Tribble said. "We still have some more
work to do, but at least we still have the tournament going.''
Said Buddy Templeton, "I think this is a really nice way to
honor dad. I think he would be pleased. Dad always said not to
have a memorial tournament for him, like for raising money for
"He said you can't do that for everybody who dies. But this is
not a tournament for him, but one honoring his name.''
(E-mail Stan Crawley at wscrawley@earthlink.net)
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